Alzheimer’s Care in San Diego and Orange County

Caring for somebody with Alzheimer’s can be extremely challenging. Keeping Alzheimer’s patients at home can help to reduce the severity of symptoms since familiarity and routine are often beneficial for people suffering from this disease.

However, Alzheimer’s home care needs to be extremely thorough. There is no way to anticipate what a person with Alzheimer’s might do. They can endanger themselves or others incredibly quickly. Therefore, your care plan needs to be comprehensive if you are going to keep an Alzheimer’s patient at home. This a herculean task for most families, which makes professional Alzheimer’s home caregiving services necessary. Alzheimer’s Home Care from Nona’s Home Care can enable your loved one to stay home where they’re most comfortable, even as Alzheimer’s progresses.

How to Know When You Need Alzheimer’s Home Caregiving Services

Alzheimer’s is a devastating disease that affects millions of Americans every year. As brain cells degenerate and die, memory and decision-making are negatively affected. Eventually, there is physical deterioration as well.

In the early stages of the disease, professional Alzheimer’s home care may not be necessary. However, as time goes on, symptoms will worsen. You want to get Alzheimer’s home caregiving services before a slip in coverage due to overwrought caregivers results in a serious incident. Here are a few signs that handling Alzheimer’s care yourself may no longer be a viable option:


  • Wandering, especially if the patient goes out of the house or attempts to drive a vehicle
  • Emotional outbursts, especially physically aggressive behavior
  • Hallucinations, delusions, anxiety, paranoia
  • Difficulty with everyday activities and personal hygiene
  • Ridgid dependence on routine, such that any deviation results in emotional disturbance
  • Confused and detached, requiring assistance to remember to do things they enjoy
  • Unable to recognize familiar faces, such as family or friends
Happy Senior and Caretaker

Considering a Facility for Alzheimer’s Care?

If your loved one has been diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, you’ll likely need to make the decision to provide professional care for them eventually. Alzheimer’s care is a full-time endeavor. Most Alzheimer’s patients experience disturbances with sleep, and are most likely to wander and be confused in the evening. Alzheimers patients wandering out at night can be extremely dangerous.

For this reason, many people think of contacting a care facility. However, symptoms often seem to worsen when Alzheimer’s patients are taken out of a familiar environment. Alzheimer’s patients often don’t know where they are in space or time. They may struggle to adjust to a new environment. Even after seeming adjusted, Alzheimer’s patients may suddenly be utterly confused by the place they’ve been living for years. Alzheimer’s Home Care is a better solution.

Alzheimer’s Home Care is Better

Alzheimer’s patients who remain at home can continue to engage in hobbies and activities they enjoy, which may help to slow the progress of the disease and can significantly improve a patient’s quality of life. If you are on the fence about choosing between Alzheimer’s home care and a facility, it may be worth giving home care a try first. Having Alzheimer’s home caregiving services from Nona’s Home Care come to your home won’t be a big disturbance to your loved one’s life, like putting them in a facility would be.

Schedule Exactly the Alzheimer’s Home Caregiving Services You Need

Try Nona’s Home Care to decide if Alzheimer’s care at home works for you. Nona’s Home Care has schedule flexibility that enables you to decide what you want to schedule and what you want to cancel without penalties or obligations, as long as you give at least a 24-hour notice before the shift. Perhaps you’ll find that just a few hours of professional Alzheimer’s care at night, so that you can sleep while your loved one goes through the worst of their confusion, is all you need to get through a day of caring for someone with Alzheimer’s.

Maybe having Alzheimer’s home care during the day so you can get some work done is a big help to your work-life balance. Maybe you’d rather have a caregiver on hand 24/7 so that you can enjoy your loved one’s company without worrying about caregiving. Whatever Alzheimer’s home caregiving services you need, Nona’s Home Care is happy to work with you to arrive at exactly the right schedule.

Why Choose Nona’s Home Care For Alzheimer’s Care Services?


Our Caregivers Love Working for Us and You

We have almost no turnover among our senior care services because we create a supportive work environment, with plenty of training to enable our senior caregiving staff to thrive in their careers.


Never be Left Without the Care You Need

You’ll love the relationship you form with a dedicated caregiver during regularly scheduled shifts. However, if ever there is an unforeseen emergency, you won’t need to worry about being left without coverage. We have unmatched staff availability.


Senior Care Services Only When You Need Them

Change or cancel shifts with at least 24 hours notice without any kind of penalties or obligations. We don’t require weekly minimums or deposits either, so you have total control over your schedule.

We accept long term care benefits from all major carriers. Including, but not limited to:

How do I Get Started with Home Caregiving Services?

Senior care services from Nona’s Home Care are sure to reduce the stress in your life, so don’t feel anxious about getting started. With our schedule flexibility, you can give a caretaker a try and adjust or cancel as you like. Get started with a free consultation to help you see how home caregiving services can fit into your life.

Learn more about personalized home care